Hi My Friend,

It’s such an honor for me to connect with your beautiful Spirit in this way.

The world is shifting more quickly than ever, and because of this, the veils of illusion and separation are dissolving. The Great Awakening is happening now, and I’m so excited to catch up on all of it with you!

The Great Awakening

Over the last 100 years, there have been many celestial occurrences that have served as anchor points for awakening humanity.

These awakening points have occurred in waves, spread out over time so that as many people as possible could evolve in the gentlest and easiest of ways.

Yet the waves of awakening we are receiving currently are all happening simultaneously. They have come together to create one of the strongest waves of awakening we have ever experienced in modern times.

An awakening is less about a destination we are trying to reach, and more about a way of being that results in our sovereignty–our freedom to increasingly become more of our true and authentic self.

Whenever a particular group or culture reaches a certain level of awareness, a ripe environment is created for an energetic opening to occur. This open doorway is known as a “portal” we travel through to experience greater shifts in consciousness, which tremendously shapes the way society exists.

The environment we are in right now has brought us right to the welcome mat of the doorway to one of the greatest leaps in consciousness humanity will ever experience.

We are all being given the opportunity to move through this energetic opening now, so that we can fully awaken and set ourselves free from a matrix that operates in fear, lack, separation, and everything in between.

This divine opening doesn’t show up outside of ourselves.

It is not about being saved by an outside presence, person, or culture that is greater or more evolved than we are.

Some may still be in the place where they believe that awakening is a matter of being saved by something outside themselves, and that’s absolutely OK. There’s no right or wrong in anyone’s growth process, and there is always individual choice about how growth happens.

The bigger question is, Do we want our journey into awakening to be on the easier side, or more challenging?

Each of us is exactly where we are meant to be right now. That doorway leading us to a more awakened version of ourselves will not close before we are ready to move through it.

It will not leave you or anyone behind.

Each of us is simply moving at our own pace. There’s no judgment as to which pace is “the right one.” Every pace is perfect and Divine for whatever path of growth and expansion we are on.

The doorway to Awakening we’ve co-created is as close to us as our sacred breath.

Many who have stepped through it don’t even realize they’ve done so, until they reflect back to see how much they have shifted in the past few days, weeks, months, or years.

To find out if you have stepped into your awakening, simply think back to where you were just one month ago, six months ago, or one, two, or even five years ago. Also think about how the world was back then, and how it is now.

Is everything the same? Or have things changed in big ways in your life and in the world?

It’s so clear to see, isn’t it?

Signs of Awakening

With the immense amount of powerful light flowing into our planet every day, it’s important to honor our integration process.

Many of us have come to recognize the signs of these integrations as Awakening or Ascension Symptoms.

For those who may not be aware of what these signs are, the list below offers some clarity on what millions of people are experiencing right now.

If you are experiencing a physical or emotional symptom you are not sure about, always check with your holistic healthcare practitioner to make sure everything is OK.

If we do experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to give ourselves permission to feel them rather than resist them. Feeling them allows us to move through them more easily, rather than continue to recreate them in our reality.

By feeling them, we will allow the integration process to move much more quickly, so we can get back to being our optimal selves again.

Awakening symptoms may show up physically as:

  • Anxiety
  • Change in appetite
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Memory loss
  • Ringing in one ear
  • Vertigo
  • Feeling disoriented
  • Pressure in third eye area or temples (almost like a headache)
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heightened senses and awareness
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Stomach aches
  • Hot flashes
  • Tiredness
  • Being hungry all the time

Awakening symptoms may show up emotionally as:

  • Emotional ups and downs
  • Crying
  • Anger
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Bursts of laughter
  • Worrying
  • Depression
  • Over-analyzing situations or events
  • Lots of unexplained, unfocused physical energy

Whatever comes up for you, please take extra care of yourself now, knowing that all will pass as it is fully embraced, felt, and honored.

In our personal lives, the Great Awakening is revealing itself in all areas of our lives, including relationships, career, health/well-being, thoughts, behaviors, desires, and personal development. 

On the global scene, we’re seeing a great deal of information come to light that is laying the foundation for monumental healing and change to occur, for our planet and for humanity as a whole.

Any organization, structure, or ideology not operating from an all-inclusive, heart-centered, compassionate, respectful, and just space will simply not be allowed to continue in that manner much longer.

This shake-up is offering all of us the opportunity to evolve, heal, and expand beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.

Our Spirit knew we could handle it, and that’s why we chose to be here during the most monumental time in humanity’s history.

This is the time we’ve been waiting for, when we as a collective move from a primitive state of being (war, separation, fear) to an awakened state of being (unity, love, compassion, peace).

We are already seeing glimpses of this, and will continue to see other developments, such as:

  • New inventions—technologies and discoveries that will serve to unite, awaken, and inspire us, bringing great healing to humanity and our planet in ways we’ve previously consigned to seemingly “far-fetched” sci-fi films
  • Big progressions in the areas of medicine, education, business, global money exchange, governments, and other institutions. These will be reformed, refined, and upgraded to serve everyone, not just a select few who think they have been running the show this whole time.
  • A movement away from belief in the old patriarchal structures to new ways of co-existing, allowing for a balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in our co-creations

The shift in how human structures will work in the near future will create changes to such a degree that those structures will become unrecognizable.

They will be founded on principles of integrity and transparency, and be of benefit to all people.

This transition from a primitive to an awakened state of being may not necessarily look or feel the way we imagined it would. But we are nevertheless most definitely moving forward in this direction, at warp speed.


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The Awakening Mind

During times of awakening, the mind tends to get extra-reactive, because it wants to survive and protect itself from the changes it knows are soon to follow.

The mind resists change, because it sees change as something that’s requiring it to give up what it has become used to.

Change is something the mind can greatly benefit from, and it will be on board once we let the mind know that it doesn’t have to give up anything it doesn’t want to give up in order to embrace change.

How we are experiencing life right now depends solely on where we choose to place our focus and attention.

If we are focusing on surface energies (fear, lack, worry, survival,) we’ll find ourselves creating a reality that mirrors this back to us tenfold.

When we choose to focus on the bigger picture by noticing what’s happening underneath the surface, that’s when deep and lasting healing begins to take place.

We have the opportunity to see many extremes now, both in our personal lives and on the global stage.

On a personal level, the highs may seem higher than ever one minute, and then all of a sudden, we get triggered, and spiral into lows we thought we had overcome long ago.

Whatever shows up for you, be gentle with yourself and your mind, as it processes through these times.

The same thing is happening on the global stage as well. The thing about this intensity, is that it’s a precursor to the big changes that are unfolding now.

What is being asked of us right now is simply to become observers—Space Holders.

When we are able to step out of a reactive space—one where we’ve been triggered by our surroundings—and move into being an Observer, we begin to see every experience as simply feedback, letting us know what we either do and do not resonate with.

Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge of whatever is causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all.

As observers, we empower ourselves to remain centered through all situations (even challenging ones), so that we can fine-tune our knowing of what we do want to create more of.

Extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we watch as observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them.

Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help:

  1. Pause for a moment, and take three deep, full breaths.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Imagine yourself (your awareness) stepping out of your body, and see yourself sitting there with your eyes closed.
  4. Just observe yourself for 1-3 minutes.
  5. Bring your awareness back into your body. Start by focusing on the bottoms of your feet, and then move up the body to the palms of your hands, then your heart, then the top of your head.
  6. Gently open your eyes.
  7. Express gratitude to your Spirit self for reminding you to objectively “see” yourself.

This simple process immediately helps move us out of survival mode and into Conscious Creator mode.

You’ll probably even feel a release in the body and mind from any tension they were holding.

Doing this several times throughout the day will create space for deep healing, peace, and higher awareness to enter our experience.


Heal & Prosper

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Universal Support

Because many of us have been used to doing everything on our own, we may have some resistance to asking for help.

The Universe is always helping us, no matter what. The Universe sends help in many ways, whether it comes through people, circumstances, messages, or personal insights.

If we continue to place all the pressure solely upon ourselves to take care of everything and everyone around us, we could be blocking ourselves from receiving help and support that can benefit us greatly.

If we would like a bit more help from the Universe, the only thing we need do is to simply to make that request.

When we place our request, the Universe will start presenting an abundance of opportunities for us to receive help and support that is aligned with our highest good.

May this Great Awakening bring us closer together as One family, and usher in a new day where we are all open to receiving life’s most joyful and abundant blessings.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.
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