Hi my friend,
Happy New Year, Happy New Decade, and Happy 11th Anniversary of our forecasts!
2020 will be a year like no other! A major turning point is birthing itself in each of our lives, and for humanity as a whole.
You’ve probably felt for a while now that something was up.
You may have noticed how powerful and intense the energies have been in recent years.
Paving the Way for the Next Golden Age
For the past 70-plus years, and especially recently, the veil of illusion on our planet has been dissolving.
To live behind the veil of illusion is an agreement most humans make before they enter this world.
This veil has been a part of each person’s personal commitment to learning about duality, through the process of forgetting who we are.
Forgetting who we are has allowed us to learn more about ourselves—as physical extensions of the Universe, of life, and of all our feedback experiences, whether they resonated with our core essence or not.
We agreed to this forgetting, because our Souls believed in us enough to know that we would eventually come back to remembering the magnificence of who we really are.
That era of forgetfulness lasted for thousands of years.
We’ve been blessed by many way-showers (known and unknown) throughout history who have planted seeds of remembrance for all of humanity, to help us come home to ourselves when we were ready.
The time for us to come home to our most authentic and expanded selves has finally arrived.
The year 2020 will serve as the major turning point in our linear history (though linear time itself is an illusion).
It will allow us to witness expansion, healing, and change in our personal lives and in the world like never before.
The time for us to individually and collectively dissolve the veil of illusion is here.
This is it, my friend! It’s the beginning of a completely new reality!
All of the chaos, fear, separation, corruption, and control we’re seeing in the world right now is a manifestation of the veils dissolving.
We can choose to continue to allow ourselves to be attached to this veil, which will make things even more challenging for us. Or we can choose to let go of it, and enter a new paradigm of peace, wholeness, prosperity, freedom, and love for all.
There’s a lot of fear, worry, and feelings of chaos going around right now, which is clouding many people’s vision.
It’s keeping them from seeing the remarkable new blessings and changes now appearing on the horizon.
If you’re finding yourself getting caught up in the fear, be extra kind and gentle with yourself, and know that you are not alone.
The way we resolve fear is to allow ourselves to fully honor it. We honor fear by allowing ourselves to acknowledge and feel what needs to be felt.
We are sensitive energetic beings, and have been taught to store fear somewhere deep inside our body and mind, because we just don’t want to feel it.
Yet as soon as we give our feelings the time and attention they need to be felt and acknowledged completely—those feelings no longer become a burden that control us.
Instead, something extraordinary happens.
The feelings soften, and bring us back to a state of grace and peace.
Imagine what life would be like for you, once you intentionally created/manifested from a space of ease, grace, and peace!
You’d instantly free yourself up to receive blessing upon blessing, because you’d no longer be operating from a space of need and desperation.
That is what’s possible for us now.
The purging of heavy, dense thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that we are seeing now in our own lives and in the world around us is absolutely a normal part of this process.
The purging is necessary, because our personal and collective mind has been using every coping mechanism it acquired during the forgetfulness era to tightly hold onto the old structures.
The mind has long held onto old beliefs, habits, ideology, traditions, and other attachments it has identified with, so that it need never change the way it operates.
The mind doesn’t like change, because it thinks it will lose something—itself—as a result.
Yet those who have been doing the inner work know this is absolutely not true!
They know that, in fact, by retraining the mind to embrace and honor change, it will be able to gain and thrive more fully than it ever could have by remaining loyal to old patterns of chaos, fear, separation, lack, etc.
Those who have been doing the inner work understand that the only way to move through the old patterns now coming to the surface, is to first acknowledge and embrace whatever emotions need to be felt.
Especially in the body, because that’s where stagnant energy is held.
This helps the mind feel safe enough to allow old stuck emotions to come up to the surface, to be felt and acknowledged.
The old wounds and fear patterns can then allow themselves to be seen, heard, and honored by us.
From this space, the mind is then able to understand that we are not trying to get rid of or “fix” any part of it.
It can then understand that we are simply allowing what needs to be seen to be acknowledged by us.
This is us loving ourselves in such a way that we are able to heal ourselves through our own love and compassion. Which is what our mind has desired from us all along.
Our mind, through all of its resistance, stories, judgments, and discomfort, was always trying to let us know in the best way it knew how, that it just desired our love and affection.
It’s time now to be the compassionate and loving presence to ourselves and to the world that our inner child has always desired to experience.
No adult ever taught us how to be this loving and compassionate presence for ourselves, because they themselves had never been taught that.
But all of that is changing now.
The Next Age of Enlightenment Begins
2020 is the year we will clearly notice a sea change in the direction humanity is going in.
The last time something this big happened was in the late medieval period of 1300 to 1600, when humanity transitioned into what became known as the Renaissance era.
The last 100 years have been preparing us for our next great Renaissance. We could also call it our next Age of Enlightenment.
From the global stage to our personal lives, all of us will be experiencing both an inner and outer transformation.
The key to moving smoothly through this transitional timeline, is to become more flexible and open when it comes to embracing change.
What’s coming up in the next decade has the potential to bless each and every one of us, our planet as a whole, and all of life as we know it, beyond measure.

Heal & Prosper
The energies are ripe right now for a quantum leap in our consciousness.
How will this show up in our personal lives and on the world stage?
We are already seeing glimpses of this, and will continue to see other developments, such as:
New inventions—technologies and discoveries that will serve to unite, awaken, and inspire us, bringing great healing to humanity and our planet in ways we’ve previously consigned to seemingly far-fetched” sci-fi films.
Big progressions in the areas of medicine, education, business, global money exchange, governments, and other institutions. These will be reformed, refined, and upgraded to serve everyone, not just a select few who think they have been running the show this whole time.
A movement away from beliefs in the old patriarchal structures to new ways of co-existing, allowing for a balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in our co-creations.
The shift in how human structures will work in the near future will create changes to such a degree that they will be unrecognizable.
They will be founded on principles of integrity and transparency, and be of benefit to all people.
Anything else will simply not be able to continue as we move forward.
There’s an energy far greater than any of the old separation-based forms, that is and will continue to be at the forefront of the sea change we are about to embark on.
This energy is within every cell and fiber of every living being in the Universe. This energy is love.
We will continue to see social causes that ask us to honor every human, animal, and living thing, and to treat them all with love, dignity, and equality.
The holistic healing and creative arts will also take center stage this coming decade.
People are and will continue to choose outside-the-current-box forms of healing and creative expression that serve to uplift, empower, and remind them of their most Divine and extraordinary selves.
An energetic balancing of sorts will also occur that will help humanity experience greater states of love, peace, joy, well-being, creativity, fulfillment, prosperity, and more!
This is the decade that will change everything! This is what our ancient ancestors spoke of (though their messages were misinterpreted by many religions and social structures).
Welcome to the next Golden Age, my friend! Your ancestors, your guides, and your I AM presence are so grateful you have arrived!
May we all be open and ready to anchor a new world that honors, loves, and supports every living being equally.
May we all allow peace, love, and compassion to be the default setting of our heart, so that all choices we make come from that space.
May we all prosper and never “want” for anything because we already feel so nourished and pampered by the Universe.
And may our beautiful planet and all her citizens be restored back to their most pristine states of health and well-being, so that heaven can fully be realized in ALL of our present reality.
We are so grateful for knowing this is now available to all of us, and we choose it now. This or something greater. And so it is!
We are in exciting times, and we have so much to look forward to.
And we are all in this together.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.
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