Hi my friend,
We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
Synchronicity and Magic
The month of May will offer us a combination of energies that will help us create more positive synchronicity in our lives, in a palpable way.
The energies of the past few months have left many of us feeling to be all over the place, so the grounding and synchronistic energy of May will be a breath of fresh air.
Here are a few things we can do to align ourselves with the synchronistic energies of this month, so that life flows in a way that more closely matches our higher vision for ourselves:
- Earthing – Standing barefoot for a few minutes each day on soil, grass, sand, or even the ground level of your home. This practice transfers the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the body.
The many benefits of Earthing include experiencing more nourishing sleep, a greater sense of well-being, a more peaceful outlook, and anti-inflammatory effects on the body, to name just a few.
- Taking peaceful walks outside; light aerobic exercise
- Spending time with and nurturing animals
- Receiving a few minutes of sun (during off-peak hours) each day
- Getting fully connected to our five senses; taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us
- Eating fresh fruits and vegetables in an array of colors
We may not be aware of it, but our mind sometimes associates the idea of “grounding” with something that holds us back or slows us down.
This usually stems from childhood, when “being grounded” meant we were being punished by a parent or caregiver.
However, the opposite is true.
When we ground, we are choosing to fully embrace and receive the present moment.
This ability to embrace the present moment of here and now can instantly help us move out of survival-oriented timelines.
It then aligns us with the most powerful, free, and expanded version of ourselves, where each of our experiences flows seamlessly and organically into the next. It’s in the present of here and now that we are completely able to know our freedom, because we are no longer bound to the linear timelines of past or future.
Being grounded allows us to notice more of the magic that life is offering us daily, no matter how small or large those precious moments and experiences may seem.
Being grounded also gives us the ability to enjoy our lives, while being open to all of the new blessings life is preparing for us.
Expanding Consciousness
When our consciousness expands as quickly as it is right now, it is often followed by many breakthroughs.
For many, breakthroughs are often preceded by some type of breakdown.
Since January, many people have been in a cycle where things that no longer serve their greatest good have been unable to move forward with them.
For many, this can feel like a breakdown experience.
Yet a breakdown is just movement in one’s life towards a breakthrough.
Some are moving through this cycle easily, releasing what they need to release, while others are allowing their attachments to the past to make things a bit more challenging for them.
Whichever way one is choosing, it’s all perfect, and in Divine Order. There’s no right or wrong way to move through this time.
Breakdowns are not limited to showing up as dramatic experiences that entail a great deal of struggle, pain, and suffering. They can show up that way, but they don’t have to.
If we are dedicating daily time to meditating, being kind and compassionate, especially with ourselves, and are consistent with our personal inner development, a breakdown can actually be a time of immense release, healing, and freedom.
A breakdown occurs when the mind feels it has reached a tipping point, and is no longer in control of everything.
As this happens, we may come to the uncomfortable realization that the old thoughts and methods are no longer serving us.
The breakdown comes from the awareness that change is inevitable, and that the mind will have to embrace these changes, whether it is open to that or not.
The mind isn’t usually the biggest fan of the internal shifts that come with change, because it has been conditioned to believe that change means something it needs is being taken away.
However, we have the power to teach and reorient the mind to know that that is simply not true.
Our Spirit knows that change is who we are at our core. The mind simply forgot this wisdom at one point in human history.
Change is just another way of saying, Things are moving!
Our Spirit is always moving, expanding, growing, and evolving. That is who we are.
The primal aspect of the mind has simply forgotten that, and that’s OK. Our job is to remind it of how much more it will gain, and how much more empowered it will be, as a result of embracing change.
We do this by being compassionate and loving with the mind, and letting it know that all will be well.
If we allow ourselves to receive the supportive energies this month has to offer, we will receive the exact clarity, insights, and opportunities needed for us to experience the breakthroughs that can facilitate this next quantum leap in our consciousness.
Honoring and Taking Care of Our Body
For most of the month of May, we will find ourselves desiring a deeper connection with our body, and with the physical aspect of our reality.
Even those who tend to concentrate more on the emotional or mental aspects of themselves will find themselves wanting to connect in a more physical way.
If we’re feeling guided to be more present in our body by taking care of, loving, and rejuvenating it, now is the perfect time to do that.
We may find ourselves craving a spa day, where we can pamper ourselves with a massage, an enriching hot springs bath, or a facial.
Some other ways we can be more present and supportive of our body is through some kind of physical movement, such as dancing, speed walking, swimming, or any other movement that feels good to us.
Stretching and elongating the body will also help to open up energy points in the body that may have felt stagnant.
These activities will help us take care of our current “home,” which is this sacred body we are living in.
By taking care of our body in this way, we are easily able to connect with and feel all other aspects of ourselves. These aspects include the energetic, emotional, and mental.
Taking care of ourselves physically is one of the most spiritual things we can do.
Another aspect of embracing the physical part of our experience is to open ourselves up to physical contact and intimacy. Many of those walking a spiritual path tend to isolate themselves from others as a result of past experiences, or simply because they are dedicated to focusing on their own well-being and spiritual growth.
Yet a big part of experiencing optimal health in our physical body, is allowing ourselves to get close to another being in an intimate way. This type of connection releases emotional energies and physical chemicals in the body, and this release supports and creates a healthier physical experience.

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Grounded and Stable
By the middle of May, we will begin feeling a kind of grounded stability that will feel increasingly real to our consciousness.
We are able to feel more grounded when we are more relaxed, at ease, and laid back, and that is what these energies will offer us.
Even those who tend to live a bit more on the edge—those who concentrate on high productivity, and who can be a bit compulsive about work and family responsibilities—will find themselves more at ease and less stressed.
They will begin to awaken to the power of the present moment, and the amazing opportunity of opening and hearing what life and the Universe are saying to them.
Anytime we step fully into the present moment, we become far more grounded and aware.
This creates the kind of stability in our energies that so many go without every day. It is a portal to finding and being our most powerful selves.
When we are caught up in the illusions of time, we tend to forget who we are, and what is really important on our path. But in the space of no-time, we are able to experience the kind of detachment that powerfully supports the manifestation of our greatest intentions.
Opening Up to the Unknown
Our lives and our Spirits are always open to us living fully and joyfully, though so many hold back from living life to the fullest, out of fear of the unknown.
And yet our higher self—our Spirit—sees what is to come, and is at peace with that, and with everything in our lives.
Because it lives separately from the narrow survival mentality of the ego, our Spirit is always free to explore and welcome in more abundance, more love, more self-expression.
Our Spirit knows what we need, and is constantly seeking ways to support and encourage us in that. We don’t have to stress about what “might be coming next.”
All we have to do is listen to and honor the guidance our Spirit offers us every day.
Remember the movie where Indiana Jones steps out onto an invisible bridge that stretches across a deep chasm?
The bridge only appears once he begins to step onto it!
Imagine how amazing our lives would be, starting from the moment that we let go of fear of the unknown, and simply asked our Spirit, “What is the next wonderful thing for me to do, realize, give, or receive?”!
May is the perfect time for us to let go of our fear of the unknown—to release our tendency to be led by the survival-based mind. We are then able to open up to all of the magic the rest of the year holds for us.
These are not only opportunities for inner growth and realization. They are also moments that are there to enrich our lives with more joy, beauty, creativity, and fulfillment.
Now is the perfect time to discover what feels wonderful to us, in other words!
It might be something in our work, our relationships, our living environment. Or it might be travel to new places, a new kind of creative expression, or greater health and well-being.
Think of an area where you would love to experience more joy, more peace of heart and mind, and more fulfillment, because now is the perfect time to open up to unexpected blessings in that area!
The key here is to be flexible, open, and adaptable to new ideas, new perspectives on old issues, and new ways of doing things.
Now is the time to allow our Spirit/Life to guide us on the journey It has always dreamt of taking us on.
The mind might stop and tell us we’re being way too impulsive and carefree. But if there was a perfect time to run free in life and follow our inner guidance, it’s now!
Now is the time to go out and engage and share in the love, joyous laughter, and higher energies available to us!
It’s time to fly! Time to play, and enjoy life to the fullest!
A Gentle Reminder to Ourselves
This is a gentle reminder to all heart-centered friends—the Way-showers, Empaths and Peace Creators:
Now more than ever, you are being asked to look past the illusion of fear, and to understand what is really happening in the collective consciousness.
Led by media outlets and old structures that desire to remain in control, there is a great push right now for people to focus on separation, and the perpetuation of victim consciousness.
This is a form of distraction to prevent the collective from awakening to its greatest potential, where peace, kindness, love, abundance, freedom, and respect for all life are the norm.
The interesting thing is, we all knew this was coming. When chaos ensues as it is doing right now, the climate is ripe for huge breakthroughs to occur.
The path to these breakthroughs is greatly accelerated when we choose to remain steadfast in love.
Love is not “airy fairy,” nor is it weak. Love is firm and focused.
It is the most powerful energy in the Universe, connecting all living things.
Love always listens, nurtures, respects, and has compassion for ALL life, even when the “mind’ wants to create the illusion of separation between groups or individuals.
So my friends—Way-showers, Empaths, and Peace Creators . . . this is your time to see the truth of what is really happening now, rather than buying into the fear-based stories that are floating around the world.
We are ONE family, no matter what our race, gender, or nationality might be, or any other labels the mind has created for itself.
These are just labels. Your Soul is NOT bound to any of those labels.
Labels are just beliefs/habits the mind has identified with, to create a sense of stability and structure for itself.
What will our world look like, once we all remember our Divine nature?
You have the power to create an open space for that day to arrive quickly, by choosing to first be willing to recognize the divinity within you, and then the divinity within all beings.
We are ALL in this together.
Until next time,
Miraculously Yours,
©2009 – 2022 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.
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