Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

February will be a month full of surprises that will usher in big changes in our lives and in the world.

The Significance of the Super Blue Moon / Blood Moon Eclipse

February was welcomed by the Super Blue / Blood Moon Eclipse that took place on January 31, 2018.

When a Super Moon occurs, the Moon will appear larger and brighter than usual. A Blue Moon is the second full Moon to occur in one month.

Add a total lunar eclipse to this already rare mix, and you have a once in a lifetime occurrence that impacts us in big ways.

This combination last occurred 150 years ago. So you can imagine the significance this holds for all of us blessed to have experienced this in our lifetime!

Whether we were paying attention or not, this rare phenomenon served as a marker point that activated great internal and external change in our world. This change will start to take center stage over the coming days, weeks, and months ahead.

The greatest changes in our personal lives will be seen in the areas of communication, artistic creativity, and our inner child.

Clarity of Communication

February will nudge us in the direction of creating greater clarity in the ways we communicate with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

As an empath, you’ve probably found yourself often feeling disappointed when someone didn’t understand you the way you desired to be understood.

For example, let’s say you have your own business, and that you’ve recently hired an assistant to help you with your day-to-day tasks.

Initially, everything goes very well.

Then after a few weeks, you begin to notice that this person may not be as responsive as you would like—they get back to you more slowly than you prefer. They also may not be delivering on the tasks you require of them, often making excuses as to why things weren’t completed.

But as an empath, you find yourself often trying to go that extra mile to accommodate them, hoping that they will come around soon. You probably even dance around the idea of letting them know how you feel, because you don’t want them to feel like you’re a demanding person to work for.

You wait, and wait, and wait a bit more … and then you begin to get frustrated.

You may even begin to realize that this is a pattern that has come up for you often, with friends, family, and other work-related situations. 

One of the main reasons we get frustrated with others for not understanding us, is because WE have not clearly communicated what we need from them. The same goes with how we communicate with ourselves.

This happens because we are either not fully clear on what we desire, or are not giving ourselves the thing we desire.

In the example I shared above, clearly communicating what you desire or expect from your assistant will help tremendously to ensure that there’s simply no room for them to not deliver for you.

Getting clear on what our desires are, then communicating them openly and authentically, will help to remedy the situation of us feeling misunderstood.

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Creative Expression

February will be a time to express our creative gifts in a direction that feels productive and fulfilling to our Soul.

The following ideas can help us express our creative gifts in ways that feel positive to us.

Drawing – Whether you think you can draw or not, drawing helps to activate parts of the mind that may have been dormant, allowing for greater insights and ideas to come through for you.

Journaling – There’s something very freeing about expressing our thoughts and feelings on paper. It helps to give us clarity, and opens the mind to new ideas and inspirations.

Spending time in Nature – Nature has a way of speaking to us if we choose to listen.

Taking a few minutes each day to just “be” in nature, admiring the colors, shapes, and textures all around you, will help to awaken the creative mind.

Body movement – Moving our body through dance or exercise releases stagnant energies in the body and mind. This creates greater clarity for the mind, and opens us to connecting more with our creative, artistic nature.

Playing – As adults, we often forget the importance of putting all of our grown-up responsibilities to the side, and just experiencing some fun and play. This helps to reset the mind, in a way that allows us to feel fresh and ready for those moments when new inspirations and creative insights reveal themselves to us.

Remaining the eternal student – Spending a few minutes each day learning something new will keep the mind flexible, and open to receiving new creative ideas.

If we are not giving ourselves a healthy and productive outlet for our natural creativity, our mind will still find ways to be creative, but often in a direction that doesn’t feel joyful and expansive to us.

So if you do find yourself in energies of lack, worry, fear, judgment, or anything similar, just use that as feedback, that your mind is asking you to give it a creative outlet that feels intentional—something that feels expansive to you.

Embracing Our Inner Child

February will also be a time to nurture, heal, and embrace our inner child.

Our inner child is not here to take on the world’s predicaments by making them her/his own, or to be a grown up.

The purpose of our inner child is to play, have fun, and enjoy the abundance of magic life has to offer!

Because of all of the challenging experiences we as empaths have gone through, due to our being hypersensitive to our environment, most of us have come to associate our inner child with the energies of sadness, trauma, and hardship.

The energies of this month are here to remind our inner child to keep things light, and to unwind herself/himself from the heavy-feeling illusions of the old paradigm.

One of the biggest illusions is the inner child’s need to complicate things, which stems from it wanting to feel safe and protected.

The inner child is made to thrive on the simple things in life. Things like love, joy, peace, fun, and play are just a few examples.

Over the next few weeks, we have the opportunity to let go of the attachments we have to making things complicated, and create more space for simplicity in our lives.

This will happen naturally. The only thing asked of us, is to be willing to move in this direction.

We can also be proactive with nurturing, healing, and embracing our inner child, by telling it something similar to the following:

“Dear Inner Child,

I see you, I love you, and I support you unconditionally.

You are free to return to your truest aspect, which is love.

I free you of the need to take on grown-up matters, and I remind you that your only intention now is to have fun, play, and enjoy life.

This is what you came here for! I am here for you, always.”


The Ultimate Poverty Cleanse

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The Partial Solar Eclipse

On Thursday, February 15, we will move through a partial solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse is one of the most powerful astrological occurrences, because it often brings with it a great amount of energetic movement and action.

During an eclipse, the consciousness of humanity is expanded, so we may feel ourselves being stretched beyond our comfort zone.

It would be a good idea to write down whatever inspirations we receive at this time, so we have them available for easy access later on, to integrate into our lives.

An eclipse is also a great time for healing, because it brings to the surface deeply buried patterns that are no longer aligned with our highest potential.

If you find yourself and others feeling a bit more emotional or sensitive than usual during this time … be gentle with yourself and them, as this will allow the healing that’s taking place to be a much smoother experience.

As we use this time for healing, it’s also a great opportunity to let go of the illusions of separation, and to remember that we have always been One with all of Life, including with each other.

This particular total solar eclipse is asking us to take inspired action towards creating the kind of reality we truly desire for ourselves, especially in terms of how we communicate with others.

A big part of this action will begin by asking us to let go of the unnecessary pressure and judgmental patterns we’ve projected onto ourselves and others.

Once this pressure is addressed and resolved, the path will be cleared for us to align with the people, places, and experiences that will support us in creating our desired reality.

One of the greatest ways to work with this solar eclipse is to be clear about what our intentions are, and to be willing to follow through on them when the opportunity presents itself.

During a total solar eclipse, meditating on the Sun strengthens our internal Sun (located in the solar plexus/stomach region), which represents our Divine power.

This helps us express ourselves more openly and freely, without holding back. It also helps us build confidence in ourselves, including our gifts, talents, and overall presence in this world.

 Creating a Solid Foundation

As we move through this month, going back to the basics when it comes to our personal and spiritual practice will greatly provide us with a solid foundation during this time of so much internal and external movement.

By creating a solid foundation for ourselves, we are able to quickly detach from the noise going on around us, and remain grounded in peace and balance.

We each have our own unique personal practice that brings us back into alignment with our True Selves.

These practices can include writing in a daily gratitude journal, affirmative prayer, meditation, sacred dance/body movement, being of service, practicing forgiveness, energy healing, spending time in nature, reading, coloring, painting, etc. ..

Whatever our practice is, being consistent with it will help us navigate through all of the excitement these next few months will bring.

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,



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