Hi my friend,
It’s an honor for me to connect with you in this way. As always, we have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
March will be a time of Divine Alchemy at its finest, as we are called to “shed our cocoon.”
By the end of the month, we will feel like a completely different person from who we were at the start of it!
With all of the internal and external changes that took place in January and February, many of us chose to hibernate and hide from the world for a bit.
Pulling back in this way can often feel like a setback to the mind. Yet there’s a great healing that occurs when we are able to pause and go within for a while.
Shedding The Cocoon
During the month of March, a new vigor will be reignited within each of us that will help give us the energy and willingness to shed the cocoon we’ve been dwelling in.
Creative expressions, ideas, and projects we had previously shelved will make their way to the forefront of our consciousness.
Connections that we’ve had with people, places, and experiences that are important to us will be reignited and strengthened.
An important aspect of shedding the cocoon is that it also invites us to reflect on the behaviors, patterns, belief systems, and stories the mind has created for itself and grown accustomed to.
When we reflect, we help ourselves get clear on whether or not we really want to carry a certain energy forward.
At the beginning of March, we will be guided to reflect on the things we are ready to let go of, so we can make room for what we want to experience more of.
When letting go of old behaviors, patterns, and stories that no longer feel good to our Spirit, the mind often becomes more sensitive, because it thinks that it is losing something it needs.
If you are someone who notices their mind is feeling more sensitive than usual (producing thoughts that are fearful, pessimistic, or judgmental), instead of being hard on yourself, be extra loving and gentle with yourself.
This helps the mind move into a greater sense of peace and understanding that it’s actually not losing anything by letting go of the old patterns it has identified with, but gaining much more of what it desires.
The human part of the mind simply desires to receive comfort, safety, love, and attention—that’s all!
When the mind receives these four things, it will always be on board to expand, grow, and flow with your Spirit.
By mid to late March, we will find ourselves feeling more grounded, present, and ready to come out of the cocoon completely.
Once we have freed ourselves from the cocoon, a great sense of curiosity and a desire to explore will emerge.
There’s a prominent belief in the collective consciousness that being curious can bring negative repercussions.
This belief is actually the mind’s way of trying to be in control the best way it knows how, by keeping itself inside the imaginary structures and walls it has created for itself.
At our core, we are Spiritual beings. Spirit is naturally curious, because it naturally expands and evolves.
As a Spiritual being, we know that we are not confined to anything or anyone, ever.
To the mind, this type of free and open awareness can be overwhelming, especially for those who have focused on developing more of their left brain, which is the organized, rational, structured-thought part of the brain.
However, we have and will continue to be nudged to equally develop our right brain, which represents the creative, nurturing, spiritual, and loving aspects of ourselves.
The right side of the brain is the part of the body that our Spirit communicates with first, because it can process and understand the information in the easiest and most digestible way.
As we continue to develop this part of ourselves, we become clearer vessels for guidance from our Spirit, and are fully able to embrace the part of ourselves that is naturally curious.
Towards mid to late March, you may find yourself feeling guided to explore more.
Exploring can come in many different forms. You may feel guided to explore more internal aspects of yourself, such as your thoughts, your gifts, talents, desires, etc. …
You may also feel guided to explore more of your outer world, by physically getting out there and experiencing more of your immediate environment.
You can do this by traveling, or by getting involved in different communities that resonate with you.
Sometimes just being out in Nature more and listening to the sounds of a stream or the wind in the trees, or tuning into the presence of the rocks or the trees—feeling their spirit and vibration—can offer you an energy that helps restore you to the feeling of being your true self.
Creative expression, or giving to others, such as in volunteer work, can also help to bring us back to who we really are—back to our own higher vibration.
March will be an excellent time to be curious and explore all things that resonate with us, as this will enrich our lives in ways that will help us experience a quantum leap in our growth and personal expansion.

The Ultimate Poverty Cleanse
A Technicolor Perspective
As we move through all that March is bringing our way, we will find that towards the end of the month, something quite extraordinary will be happening.Perspectives, ideas, experiences, people, places—things we once saw in a particular way—will be changing.
It’s not just that these things are changing themselves. Our perspective is also changing, by evolving and growing past our previous capacity for understanding.
We will find that we no longer operate in the old paradigm of duality, rooted in the belief that there’s only right or wrong.
This will allow us to see and experience life more in a multidimensional way.
The best way to describe it, is that rather than operating from a black-or-white mindset, everything becomes technicolored.
Life looks and feels very different and much more satisfying in technicolor!
When we choose to see in technicolor, we see, receive, and feel things we’ve experienced before.
Sounds, tastes, fragrances, shapes, colors, and textures suddenly radiate more beauty and hold more life.
We are able to honor and respect other people’s perspectives and ideas, even if they are different from our own.
It becomes easier to embody energies of compassion and love for all, including for ourselves, because we are open and connected.
Our mind may be wondering right now how we’ll get to this technicolor way of seeing and experiencing life.
The thing is, the mind doesn’t need to know “how” this is going to happen.
All that is asked of us, is to be loving and gentle with ourselves as we navigate through the month of March and beyond.
Everything else will take care of itself.
Being loving and gentle with ourselves allows us to naturally ride the waves of evolution that are impacting us all naturally at a core level.
We don’t have to “do” anything else.
As we reach the last few days of March, we will notice ourselves coming back into a state of play, ease, and joy. These will feel like they’ve kept their distance for a while.
However, when these energies show up, we will be able to embrace them from our new technicolor world.
And what an awesome experience that will be!
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
Please make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there’s anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.